Our flagship service is the numerical simulation and Reserves evaluation of Carbon Storage in disused oil or gas fields.
In July 2020, Hydrenor opened the World’s first consulting branch specialised in Hydrogen Reservoir Engineering, pioneering this new discipline and paving the way to the future mass storage of Hydrogen underground.
In today’s economic environment, energy security solutions such as storage are in even more higher demand from our clients.
Our knowledge and skills in natural gas storage dates back from the 1990s, when Hydrenor Subsurface consultants deployed numerical techniques to simulate gas storage levels for Gas de France.
In 2011-2016 the company participated to three major storage projects for Taqa. We were subsurface peer reviewers of the Bergermeer gas storage in the Netherlands, one of the largest in Europe.
The geothermal resource is not infinite. Hydrenor Subsurface helps operators manage their heat reserves in a sustainable way.
Our reservoir engineers deploy coupled flow / thermal numerical models of aquifer formations to predicti the evolution of temperatures at producing wells and optimise project development.